
It always helps to get the inside skinny on how to be the best at something, and we’re here to tell you what you need to know to be a kingpin on Kit. Check off as many of these tips as you can to be primed to get followers, build your community, and make money on Kit. And…go!
  1. Make your profile shine. Add a photo, bio, and cover image that conveys your brand.
  2. Link to your Kit profile. Put it everywhere you get social: think YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram. This way, followers can find your recommendations anywhere.
  3. Monetize your product recommendations with affiliate links. Kit supports automatic affiliation for nearly all international Amazon storefronts, as well as B&H Photo, eBay, Newegg, and Flipkart. Start earning commissions from links to these storefronts by joining their affiliate programs and adding your Affiliate ID’s to the Monetize section of your account!
  4. Drop some knowledge with your product descriptions. Be thoughtful about what you write and include links to your product review videos and tutorials. Tell your followers why you recommend a particular product — and show off your personality while you’re at it!
  5. Share your kits. When you create a new kit, share it with your community across your social channels, so they can see all of your latest recommendations.
  6. Ask your community to follow you on Kit. By doing so, they’ll get updates when you create new kits or add new products.
  7. Add Kit to your website. Adding a Kit button to your blog, embedding kits on your site, or linking to Kit within your website’s nav bar are effective ways to make sure your followers find their way to your kits. More traffic means more eyeballs, which means more sales.
  8. Choose high-quality images for every item in your kit. It’s easier for someone to shop, browse, and buy when they can clearly see the product.
  9. Use simple product titles. Edit the titles of your products so that they are understandable and to the point.
  10. Organize products in a way that makes sense. Related items should be near one another. For example, if an audio recorder needs a specific memory card and battery, place these items next to each other in the kit.

Show us how you’ve spruced up your Kit presence or point out a particularly effective kit by tweeting to @hashtagkit. We’d love to hear from you!


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