
We love Kit, and we want to do our part to ensure that Kit remains a professional, trusted platform for Creators to share the products they love.

Lately we’ve noticed (as you may have as well) that Kit has been suffering from a spam problem. When we first acquired Kit from Patreon 2 years ago, Kit had gone without any significant maintenance for nearly 4 years.

During this time, malicious users began to exploit Kit’s weaknesses, promoting illegal/malicious content, scammy products, and fake reviews.

Since acquiring Kit, our mod team has worked hard to try to curb the existence of these accounts, but it’s become too large of a problem to deal with manually. As such, starting today, we’re beginning to roll out some important changes to Kit that we hope will de-incentivize and help manage future spammers, buying our team enough time to clean up the rest of

We’re starting small, but we hope to roll out additional vetting/moderation features in the next couple of months to further secure Kits future as a trusted site.

What does this mean for you?

From now on when editing your Profile, if you wish to share a link in your Bio, or want to share a link to your Website, it will require additional verification from your end.

Note: Users with existing links in these fields will not be allowed to update these destinations until they have been verified. These changes apply ONLY to the Bio and Website fields within your Kit profile – the existing “social media” fields for Patreon, Twitter, YouTube, etc. will still be editable without additional verification.

Please reach out to our support team at, providing the following details:

  • Kit Profile URL / Username (eg.<username>)
  • A link to your content outside of Kit – your website/store, or social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Patreon, etc.

After sending us these details, one of our team members will review your request, and will get your account approved for external linking as soon as possible.


  • Austin Tuwiner

    Austin Tuwiner is a growth marketer and a main contributor to the Booklinker blog. He is dedicated to helping authors increase their book sales.

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