Sing it in your best Olivia Newton-John voice: “Let’s get personal, personal!”
Introducing the personal homepage on Kit.
Kit is built on the premise that product recommendations are better when they come from friends, family and the people you admire, so it makes sense that folks you follow on Kit should be among the first you encounter when you come to the site:
With that in mind, we’ve created a new section of the homepage where you can quickly see recent activity from people you follow and kits you may find interesting. It’s a fun way to find and discover new products on Kit.
While you may have missed this awesome bag StyleGirlfriend recommended you buy your guy, or the latest podcasting kit added by Tim Ferriss, now all the fun things being kitted by people you follow will appear as soon as you sign in.
You’ll also see new items added to kits you may have liked or commented on while browsing across the site — so even if you haven’t quite yet decided if you want to follow that special someone, if you like a or comment on a product they’ve recommended, their kit will stay on your radar. Wink.
To find more interesting people to follow, go to Discover Creators to check out Kit’s community of experts and enthusiasts. And to find more products to like, comment, and love, check out all the kits.
A little bit of follow and a dash of likes and comments will go a long way toward beefing up your homepage and making sure Kit can pump! you! up! with awesome product recommendations.
Let us know what you think by sharing your feedback or holla at us on Twitter — @hashtagkit.
Austin Tuwiner is a growth marketer and a main contributor to the Booklinker blog. He is dedicated to helping authors increase their book sales.